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Why is Sauerkraut good for you?

During the fermentation process, beneficial probiotics, or ‘live bacteria’, are produced, and these probiotics are what give sauerkraut most of its health benefits. Sauerkraut is a good form of dietary fibre and contains vitamins C and K, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.



2 1/2 lb. Head Of Cabbage

3 3/4 tsp. To 5 Teaspoons Salt, Or About 1 1/2 To 2 Teaspoons Per Pound Of Cabbage



Weigh your cabbage to see how much salt you should use.

Remove the outer leaves of your cabbage and any that are damaged. Discard. Cut out the core and rinse the cabbage well, allowing the water to flow between the cabbage leaves. Drain well.

Reserve 1 outer leaf. Thinly shred the remaining cabbage with a knife or food processor. Place in a large bowl. Sprinkle the calculated amount of salt over the cabbage and toss well. Let sit for 15 minutes.

Massage the cabbage with your hands for 5 minutes. The cabbage should release a good amount of liquid during this time.


After it’s done fermenting, store the sauerkraut in the refrigerator.

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