Rinses can unclog follicles and smooth your hair. They can also get rid of the nasty buildup from commercial shampoos, conditioners, and styling products. Some of these are rinsed out afterwards, but some are not, so pay careful attention to the instructions.
Sage rinse
This rinse is for brunettes who want to stay that way. It gets rid of the gray, but it takes time and repetition to prove effective.
Boil two cups of water and steep a quarter cup of fresh or dried sage leaves until cool. Strain out the solids and rinse two to three times.
Do not rinse it out.
apple cider vinegar rinse
Apple cider vinegar gets rid of nasty build-up on both hair and scalp, leaving your hair quite shiny. It does not smell after it dries, either.
How to make
Simply mix a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with 16 ounces of water. Add desired herbs (thyme, rosemary, rosepetals) let sit for 30 mins. Rinse hair once, massaging it into the hair and leaving it in for about three minutes. Rinse again, but do not rinse out your hair with water. You will smell like a salad, but just until your hair dries.
Lavender Mint Rinse
This rinse will make your scalp tingle. Use it only once a month to remove any residue from your hair.
How to Make
Combine a half cup of apple cider vinegar, mint – a half cup fresh or one tablespoon dried, lavender – one tablespoon fresh or a half teaspoon dried, and one cup of boiling water. Let the mixture steep until it is cool, and then strain out the solids. Shampoo your hair first and rinse this over your scalp three times, then rinse with cool water.
I have all of these herbs in my kitchen. I will definitely try
Great info