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ARE YOUR PRODUCTS CRUELTY FREE? YOU DON’T TEST ON ANIMALS, DO YOU?"TESTING ON ANIMALS IS UNNECESSARY AND BARBARIC. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND NOR DO WE ENDORSE THIS PRACTICE. No! We do not source nor recommend any products that fail to meet our high ethical standards. None of the formulations or the organic and natural beauty products we offer are tested on animals. We make great natural skincare products, using the very best organic ingredients, and we do so by employing exacting methodologies in our manufacturing facility, and by testing on ourselves (which might sound brave, but it so isn’t…. because we only work with natural and organic ingredients, the only adverse reaction we have to worry about is whether a new shade or color suits our skin tone!).
ARE YOUR PRODUCTS NATURAL AND ORGANIC?Yes. We ensure that all the products we sell are made from the finest natural ingredients. Natalian Williams are committed to only offering products that are natural, gentle, organic and highly effective.
WHERE AND HOW CAN I ORDER YOUR PRODUCTS?Orders can be placed directly via our website
HOW QUICKLY CAN I RECEIVE MY ORDERS?Every customer is assured of a friendly and smooth transaction towards their purchase which will be dispatched promptly according to our Shipping Policy. For more information please visit our Shipping Policy page via our website.
DO YOU SHIP INTERNATIONALLY?Yes, we do. For more information on International Shipping, please visit our Shipping Policy page via our website.
DO YOU OFFER RETURNS?Yes, some items may be returned and replaced. For more information, please visit our Return Policy page via our website
DO THE TERMS "ORGANIC BEAUTY," "NON-TOXIC BEAUTY," AND "CLEAN BEAUTY" HAVE THE SAME MEANING?"Clean beauty and non-toxic beauty are very similar. However, the term “non-toxic” can be misleading. At the right levels, even water can be toxic to human health. “Non-toxic” refers to products formulated without toxic ingredients, but this can be subjective. “Clean” is a more forgiving term that accounts for the fact that everyone responds differently to ingredients and the level with which they are present in cosmetics. For example, harsh ingredients can cause irritation, hormonal imbalances, or allergic reactions in some people. For others, those same ingredients are tolerable. Organic beauty is exactly what it sounds like — cosmetics made with organically grown ingredients. Organic doesn’t mean safe, though. An organic beauty product may still contain unsafe ingredients.
ARE ALL CHEMICALS UNSAFE?Not all chemicals are equal. Some are perfectly safe whether they’re natural or synthetic ingredients. We don’t judge an ingredient on its origins but on its safety.
WHAT CREDIT/ DEBIT CARDS DO YOU ACCEPT?We accept all major Credit & Debit cards including Visa, Mastercard & American Express.
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